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Airport Communications Group Annual Conference, hosted by Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport

On the 23rd and 24th of April, Bucharest Airports National Company organized, in Bucharest, the "Airport Communications Group (ACG)", a working group conference, hosted by Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport.

The "Airport Communications Group (ACG)" conference brings together highest level specialists in communication and public relations, being also accepted by the European airports as an important development opportunity for airport communication. ACG is a working group of the Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe), where communication and public relations specialists discuss possibilities and new challenges, but also the latest international topics in the airport field. The target of these regular meetings is to exchange experience and good practices, updating the knowledge in this area being a key issue for the continuous improvement of airport communication field.

Bucharest conference program included presentations of European airports representatives and the main topics of discussion were, among others, such as: communicators resources aimed to identify the most effective mixes of communication channels - from conventional communication (internal, external) to the unconventional one and generate online content, creating circumstances for the client to talk about the brand, promotion of the airport events in order to strengthen the image of an airport, development of reputation management, new trends in organizing the communication and public relations airports departments etc.

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