Mission. Vision

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To develop, in a sustainable manner, the best European airport system and become a model worldwide in the services quality.



Our mission is to ensure a fluent passenger and cargo traffic and to constitute a confidence factor for all our customers - primarily for passengers and airlines - as well as for the parties interested in CNAB activity, by promoting the highest quality standards of the services performed, protecting the resources and the environment and providing a high level of social awareness.


Working principles

1. Quality first. To achieve our customers’ satisfaction, the quality of the performed services must be top priority.

2. Excellence and continuous improvement of overall performance of the organization. The company’s profit must be obtained by means of ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.

3. Honesty, integrity, ethics, individual respect for all aspects of the business.

4. Creating and maintaining a solid reputation of the organization. Customers’  perception over the organization should be very good and becoming better.

5. Passion and teamwork. Ongoing involvement of the employees in the organization activity and responsibility undertaken by each employee.

6. Zero flaws. Each activity must be done right from the first time and every time.

7. Sustainable development.

8. Emphasis on prevention.

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