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Winter operations at AIHCB

Bucharest Airports National Company invited media representatives on Wednesday, February 28, 2018, to film specific winter operations (snow removal/de-icing) directly from Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport’s apron. They were able to watch all types of multifunctional machines working concertedly at the airport, each with its well-defined role in de-icing and snow-clearing operations: compact aggregates, which operate on runways at speeds of 50 km/h, specialized complex equipment that operates under the aircrafts; machines equipped with plows, blowers and lenses; multifunction vehicles which remove blizzard-generated "snow hills" on the airport’s aprons; speed snow blowers that operate at high speed on the runway surface.
Also, the media representatives were informed that for the snow removal/de-icing operations in the 2017-2018 winter season, Bucharest Airports National Company provided a reserve of 157 tons of solid de-icing, 124 tons of liquid de-icing, 32 tons of sand and salt, and the handling companies had over 403 tons of de-icing fluid for aircrafts.


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