
21 February 2024
"Shakespeare in the Air", an event dedicated to Valentine`s Day

On Wednesday, February 14, the 'Departures' Terminal of Bucharest 'Henri Coandă' International Airport hosted the event called 'Shakespeare in the Air'. Organized in collaboration with professors and students of 'Ion Luca Caragiale' National [...]

07 December 2023
Back to the roots, with art...

One of the many traditions of Bucharest Airports National Company is the celebration of the Civil Aviation International Day, to which we usually dedicate exhibitions, contests, book launches, etc. This year, our ARCUB partners have helped us take a [...]

05 December 2023
The 100 Express line - a faster transport link between the center of the Capital and Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport.

Starting from December 2nd, 2023, the 783 Express line was renamed the 100 Express line  with unchanged route and improved time schedule. This line runs day and night - by day the bus leaves every 15 minutes and at [...]

05 December 2023
Feeling Romania in the airport

For those who were leaving the country, as well as for those who were coming back home, Bucharest Airports National Company tried to create a festive atmosphere, in order to bring Romania into their hearts. Thus, the 'Arrivals' and 'Departures' [...]

20 October 2023
Art and social responsibility

The partnership between the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons and Bucharest Airports National Company brought a new event in the airport. It took place on October 18, 2023 and it was dedicated to the European Day against Trafficking in [...]

22 September 2023
Turkish Airlines - 30 years at Bucharest "Henri Coandă" International Airport

'Turkish Airlines' story at 'Henri Coandă' International Airport began in 1993, during this long relationship the Turkish airline getting to one of the top positions in terms of the number of passengers to and from 'Henri Coandă' Airport . This [...]


Business class lounges

Spend the time before boarding in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere, in our Business Class Lounges open 24h/24.

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