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Bucharest Airports - prepared for winter

On Thursday, October 15, Bucharest Airports National Company held a presentation of the special 
winter equipment at Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport during which the Department for Special Operations presented the special intervention strategy for snow removal and de-icing runways, platforms and aircraft taxiways.

All the multifunctional equipment, which act together in de-icing and snow removal operations, was reviewed. The equipment includes compact aggregates with an extended cleaning capacity that can operate at 50 km/h, having in full function plows, brushes, blowers and de-icing material dispenser gear. 

Also, there were presented the machines with brush, plow and dispensor for solid and fluid de-icing material. There were reviewed: multifunctional cutters, which remove the " hills " of snow caused by blizzard and heavy snowfall; complex machines, equipped with plows and deicing material dispersor; tractors with blades, brushes and plows. 

All the equipment available at Henri Coanda Airport is ready to intervene any time, when the weather demands it.

The presentation of the snow removal and de-icing technique is held annually and is part of the winter specific activities at Henri Coanda Airport. The preparations for winter involve the consultation of all entities (airport handling companies, airlines, ROMATSA , contract employees, etc.), equipment maintenance, training for the airport staff, additional staff involved in snow removal and de-icing activities, etc.

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