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Runway 2 reopened

As the work for runway 2 (08L-26R) ended, Bucharest Airports will start tomorrow, the 13th of June, the procedures of reopening the full-length runway.

These procedures involve the reconfiguration of lighting and beacon, the checking of the runway configuration and the radio navigation systems in flight, as well as an inspection by the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority; during these procedures, the traffic on the entire runway will be closed; its reopening is programmed for June 20th, according to the work schedule.

The full length runway 2 (3500 m) functioning will allow the operation in very good conditions, avoiding traffic congestion, both during the peak months (July - August) and in the difficult winter months.

Between June 13-20, only one runway will be operational and that will imply traffic harmonization by EUROCONTROL and ROMATSA; hence, there may be some landing and take-off delays, especially during the peak hours.
We assure the passengers that we shall make every effort to minimize any possible discomfort.

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