The Enviroment Friends

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The Airport Friends - The Enviroment Friends

The program, initiated in December 2006 at Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport, is featured as a CSR project (Corporative Social Responsibility) through which BUCHAREST AIRPORTS NATIONAL COMPANY is trying to get the children from the airport neighboring communities to an ecological attitude, of protecting the environment. Within this program we also promote an airport culture equally based on the respect granted to the HUMAN BEING and ENVIRONMENT.


Planting and adopting trees – November 2020

The annual environmental action has gone beyond the usual approach this time: the initiative to plant trees was included in a larger project meant to turn the plot in front of the Departures Terminal into a nice waiting area for our passengers, who can thus enjoy the benefits of nature; this is the pledge of Bucharest Airports National Company for a responsible attitude towards the environment, aiming to the best possible harmony between ecology and technology.

Each tree we planted in November has the name of a personality in the Romanian aviation history and they were all "adopted" by the employees who participated in this event.







One tree for ten people

There is a challenge every year for the friends of the environment in Bucharest Airports Company. Our long-term strategy made us initiate an air refreshing contest. In one year, a mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen as ten people breathe. If so, how much oxygen would we provide by planting 100 shrubs?

In order to solve this simple eco-arithmetic exercise, we initiated the competition "The best home for CNAB trees". All our environment lovers had to do was to write a few lines persuading us that they will be the best foster parents for the seedlings plants.

We received many unexpectedly inspired letters, one greener than the other so that each tree got a loving home, and CNAB CSR programme "Friends of the Airport – Friends of the Environment" recorded one more important succcess.

EcoStyle - September 2015

„EcoStyle”, the environmental education event, took place on Friday, September 18, 2015, at Mogosoaia, carrying foreword the social responsibility program entitled “Friends of the Airport - Friends of the Environment”, successfully developed since 2006. We have already got acquainted to the environment, we have already initiated actions of forest ecology and tree planting and we have turned the waste into artworks; but this year we exercised a desirable scenario for ecological advancement, added up with the idea of competition.

This eleventh edition of environmental education project, in which participation is voluntary, aimed to provide an attitudinal model in relation with the environment, covering issues such as the consequences of environmental degradation and raising awareness regarding our role in creating and preventing environmental problems. The contests with environmental themes were in charge with the participants’ good mood, communicating, however, their concern for sustainable development.

Because we have plenty of skilled photographers in our company, we launched the Eco-picture competition and we have challenged our colleagues to bring their cameras to Mogosoaia and capture the greenest and funniest frames. Because we think ecologically and we don’t want to waste paper, we asked the participants to send their best picture by email, the nicest picture being awarded and popularized. 

„The Airport Stays Green” - September 2014

Now in its tenth edition, the social responsibility program entitled “Friends of the Airport - Friends of the Environment” continued Friday, September 12, 2014, with a new action regarding environmental education, "The Airport Stays Green" and was held at Mogoşoaia.

In order to provide an attitudinal model in relation with the environment, covering issues such as the consequences of environmental degradation and raising awareness regarding our role in creating and preventing environmental problems, BANC employees were invited to take part in this event, the participation being voluntary.

Striving to optimize the bond with the environment, the actions of forest ecology and tree planting took, this time, another form of approach by continuing the social responsibility program, attacking one specific vulnerability of the Romanian behavior and contradicting what has become a disturbing pattern in spending time on the grass: the fire made ​​in all the wrong places, bad quality music and mountains of trash left after picnic, completely covering the green areas with plastic bags and bottles.

Because we have plenty of chefs in our company and we already have some successful precedents, the event included a new contest: "CNAB, a company with flavor" (homemade cakes contest with important awards).

The objective of “The Airport Stays Green” program has been reached and the BANC team demonstrated that knows how to apply the 54/2012 Law regarding picnic activities but also the laws of good mood, common sense and the one of a well done job.











„The Airport Goes Green”- May 2013

In 2013, BANC launched a new challenge and organized a creative contest finalized with an exhibition of works made out of recycled materials, primarily addressed to young talented people eager to affirm in the arts domain, but also to young people who wanted to engage in the process of educating and changing mentalities in terms of environmental protection. “The airport goes green” contest echoed in the primary schools of Bucharest, but also in the art and architecture faculties. The most enthusiastic participants were, of course, the children who let loose of their imagination and created paper and board airplanes, dolls out of plastic bottles, a house made of bottles and board, butterflies, birds, colored flowers, chic dresses made out of plastic and crepe paper, hats and many other original and creative items. The students were not far behind and they created decorative objects and furniture, glass paintings, original panels with plastic caps, string and cullet. The grand prize of the contest, a two day trip to Predeal, was won by a student team from the University of Architecture and Urbanism, who, inspired by nature and the human being, created a beautiful wooden chair.


September 2012

The environmental education action "Respect for the environment - a way of life" was held in Mogoşoaia in collaboration with a secondary school in the vicinity of the city. To provide a behavioral model in relationship with the environment, targeting issues such as the consequences of environmental degradation and raising awareness regarding the role in creating and preventing environmental problems, BANC employees were invited to a British-inspired model picnic. Participation was voluntary, the action consisting in exemplifying an advisable scenario of ecological civilization.


April 2011

Volunteers from Bucharest Airports National Company took part to the forestation of Gruiu area, Ilfov County. 500 seedlings of oak tree, ash tree, linden tree, wild pear tree and mirobolam tree were planted on a surface of 1.5 ha. The action was organized by Bucharest Airports National Company in co-operation with Snagov Forest Range.


June 2010

Waste collection activity performed around Ciolpani forest/Scrovistea in the neighborhood of Bucharesthenri Coanda International Airport by volunteers from Bucharest Airports National Company, their children as well as pupils from Peris, Ilfov schools.


June 2009

Henri Coanda Airport made new friends! Pupils from Ilfov Moara Vlasiei schools took part, together with volunteers from the airport to the waste collection activity performed within the program “The Airport Friends – The Environment Friends”. The action took place on the Environment Day (5th of June), at Caldarusani, Ilfov.


December 2007

Pupils from Buftea school no. 2 became “the airport’s friends, the environment’s friends” and took part in the contest “Aim at the basket”. The children also made the airport’s tour and met the airport world governed by strict rules which ensure a safe and comfortable air traffic.


June 2007

Henri Coanda International Airport made new friends: from Bucharest school no. 89 “Nicolae Labis”. We had a chat with VIth grade C pupils about the Earth spirit, the nature laws, the deeds of younger or older people.


December 2006

IVth grade pupils from Otopeni high school “Ioan Petrus” helped us planting young trees in the green area between the two passengers terminals.

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